There is a tool that’s helping everyone who uses it to discover why collaboration is important (in fact essential!) and how achieving your own individual goals can support the wider achievement of the internationally agreed societal and developmental goals. The UN Sustainable Development Goals, also know as The Global Goals, were agreed by 193 member states and launched by the United Nations in 2015.

A Japanese team have created the 2030 SDGs Game to help bring the goals to life. It’s all about how you interact and collaborate with people with different interests and objectives to your own. The experience has become a powerful and impactful social, and business, phenomenon in Japan.

The game is now spreading around the world, raising awareness of global issues through highly interactive and immersive playing. More than 50,000 people have already taken part and it’s now growing here in the UK.

At the Global Academy for Global Goals we are proud to announce that Wendy Stone has become one of the first accredited UK-based facilitators of the 2030 SDG Game. Here are some shots of her taking part in the training…

We think the SDG Game, which is a professionally run interactive workshop, is an ideal way to engage researchers, and any teams within an academic environment, in the broader questions of global development. It’s a great tool for putting your own work into this wider context.

If you yourself, or if you know anyone, or teams, who might be interested in participating in the 2030 SDG Game we would love to hear from you.