It’s the start of 2025 and our next in the ‘Good Life Goals’ series should be SDGs Goal 3: Good Health and Wellbeing. But I’ve decided to jump ahead. That’s why I have Goal 9; Smart Choices on my desk right now.

A white desktop with an orange good life goals card, a computer, a notebook and a pencil
If you are thinking ‘I know Wendy and her desk is never that tidy’ then you are right!

Why Goal 9 at the start of 2025?

Sustainable Development Goal 9 supports Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. The detail encourages us to build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation. The important words are resilient, inclusive and sustainable. Short-term infrastructure is always costly in the long-run while industrialisation that only improves present conditions for exclusive groups makes our larger problems worse, rather than better.

As an example countries that have promoted car ownership for richer people, rather than public transport for everyone, are now facing high infrastructure costs and massive pollution problems. The road networks have become over-crowded and ineffective while the pollution affects everyone, whether or not they can afford a car. Investments in public transport would have provided better long term value for health, economic growth and environmental sustainability.

On a personal level will the latest, shiniest bit of new technology still make us smile in 10 month’s time? The shine often wears off our gadgets rather fast. Investing our time and money in a social, learning or community activity might bring us more sustainable long-term benefits, while also promoting inclusion and supporting resilient innovation. Innovation does not always mean manufacturing and retail. It can also mean new ways to learn, new skills and new forms of social organisation.

New Year is also a traditional time to plan for the year ahead. Many people are hoping for big changes in the world in 2025 and it is important that those changes benefit everyone and sustain the planet. This list belongs in everyone’s plans for 2025.

Good Life Goal 9 reminds us that innovation involves choices. In the rich nations we have some choice about the technologies we adopt, the media we use and the policies we support. Goodlife Goal 9 reminds us what we should keep in mind so that we make smart choices.

Sounds like a good set of resolutions to me. What are you doing to make smarter choices in 2025?

Download link for a Goodlife Goal 9 card
Download your own Goodlife goal 9 card here.

Other Good Life Goals articles from the Global Academy

Find out more about the Good Life Goals here