Have you visited our home page recently? No? that’s understandable – it’s not somewhere we spend a lot of time either. But you might want to make an exception, right now, because it shows some important updates to the website and to the services we offer our researchers.
You will now see the 3 newest researchers to join the academy right there on the home page. You can click on their details to go right to their researcher pages and learn more about their work.

Next you will see highlights from our new jobs board. We’ve added a jobs board to help researchers find new colleagues who share their sense of purpose, and sometimes even to find new roles when it’s time to move on. Global Academy researcher can post job listings for free on our board – to save you little bit of cash from your precious research budget, too.

The last new Home page feature are the links to all the articles we publish about the SDGs, our researchers and other news.

So there you go, more useful stuff on our home page. Next time you visit maybe stop there first for a quick update on new researchers, job listings and recent articles.