Our team pages show the world how your research group contributes to the Global Goals.
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework is a powerful tool for research groups to demonstrate the global impact of their work.  Bringing your whole team together on one page, wherever they are based, is a great motivator and showing how research contributes to the SDGs helps your colleagues explain the wider context of their work. 

Our team pages also build search engine visibility and help your researchers promote their work, both within and beyond their own discipline and community.

Who is this for?
*Research teams working across several institutions who want to bring their work online in one place.
*Groups wanting to focus on their SDGs contribution and promote their achievements to a wider audience
*Anyone struggling to find their own online space within their institution’s website
*Researchers wanting to recruit the best, purpose-driven young talent to their team
*Research groups wanting to ensure that everyone on their team fully understands the SDGs framework.

What do you get
*A bespoke team page like this one showing quickly how your work aligns with the SDGS
*Researcher pages for everyone on the team, wherever they are based and whatever their discipline
*A customised online SDGs workshop for you team including the SDGs 2030 simulation. This workshop brings everyone together in a shared experience of the world from now to 2030

How can we get a team page?
Just get in touch. theteam@theglobalacademy.ac always works and you can find us on Twitter too @1GlobalAcademy