So said one of the participants after playing the #2030SDGsGame. Those involved were Masters students of Energy Systems in the Environmental Change Institute at the University of Oxford.
The game is a fast-moving and compelling simulation of the real world situation where humanity is seeking to achieve the UN #globalgoals by 2030. Whatever you are studying or researching in an academic setting, the game helps you to set it into a truly ‘big picture’. Played in small teams, each one with a goal (and, of course, not all teams have the same goal) to achieve by 2030, and some resources to apply to the task. It is a game of achievement, negotiation, brinkmanship and in some cases, hard lessons…

The title quote came with the realisation that not all the teams had achieved their goals for 2030 and that the the world the students had created at the end of the game was not one that many of us would choose to live in.
The Global Academy is one of very few organisations in the UK accredited to facilitate the 2030 SDGs Game. If you would like us to run a simulation game for you, please get in touch. Our next public game is at 6pm on Tuesday, 4th February at Makespace in Oxford. Registration details are here: