A network for SDGs researchers to talk with each other
In the past week Global Academy researchers reminded us why we built the network . This happens regularly, but usually using Direct Messages (DMs), so this time we remembered to capture the event live. See what we mean below.

Fairly normal stuff on Twitter, but this time Dr Shashi Bhushan used the Global Academy as a way to find other researchers and Dr Sharad Vats responded. This happens at academic conferences all the time, but here at the Global Academy we’re working to be one big, continual conference where our researchers dip in and out.
Using their Global Academy pages both researchers can quickly see which SDGs are involved. This supports international collaboration between those whose research interests align on a key point. Identifying the country, and institution of each researcher in the Global Academy further enhances collaboration opportunities – we already know many of our researchers join us through personal recommendations and can then grow their networks even further.
We have a Twitter/X list called ‘Researchers for the Goals’ which includes all Academy members with a Twitter/X account. Anyone on Twitter/X can follow this list to find researchers contributing to the Global Goals.
So do join in, and get in touch with ideas and questions too!
Think of the Global Academy as an international conference without air fares, and much better home-made coffee, tea and snacks 😊. There’s lots to learn from our researchers.