Here at the Global Academy we are very much looking forward to our next community #2030SDGsGame in Oxford on 4th February.
The game is a simulation of reality and a highly immersive, and fun, experience. You will be in a small team with projects to complete. Each of these requires the use of scarce resources (money and time) and will have an impact on some combination of the Economy, the Environment and Society. Other teams will have different priorities to yours, seeking to complete projects that have very different impacts.
Do you think that you have what it takes to build a world we all want to live in by 2030? This is the ambitious timetable set by the United Nations when 194 countries signed up to the #GlobalGoals in 2015.
Come along to Makespace in Oxford on Tuesday 4th February and see if you can make the kind of progress the world needs. You can register here: For students, it’s the price of a cinema ticket.
We look forward to welcoming you!

Banner photograph courtesy of Dr Gavin Killip and the MSC Energy Systems students at ECI, Oxford