Goal 12 is one of the busiest at www.theglobalacademy.ac with 54 (and counting) researchers working around the world to help us ensure responsible production and consumption by 2030. It’s also the focus of our first researchers event.
We have planned activities spread over 3 days with a maximum of 3 hours each day to make the event accessible worldwide. Each day stands alone together with links that run through the whole event. Each session will be available both live, in real time, and recorded for access from other time zones
Day 1
4pm (Brisbane), 12 noon (Delhi), 7am (UK) 1.5 hour
Wendy Stone introduces the purpose and progress of the Global Academy initiative and the (experimental) format for this event
‘My goal in 3 minutes’
Researchers will take 3 minutes each to tell us about the SDG targets their research is helping us to achieve and their results, plans, challenges and dreams for getting there.
- Dr Alekasndra Miletic – University of Novi Sad – Serbia
- Dr Amila Abeynayka – Institute for Global Environmental Strategies – Japan
- Mr Oscar Zhu – University of Queensland – Australia
- Dr Munira Raji – Faramade UK Limited – UK
- Goal 12 researcher (TBC)
Questions will be submitted online for these researchers to answer later in the event.
Guest speaker (TBC)
The SDGs framework (This session is required for next day’s game workshop) Sharing results of preparatory work around the group.
Day 2
4pm(Brisbane), 12 noon(Delhi), 7am(UK) 2.5 hour
The 2030 SDGs Game
An energetic, interactive workshop to understand the SDGs, consider the future we want to see and explore the paths that will lead us there.
30 Minute Break
SDGs Game II
A further round of experimentation, plus reflection and discussion on discoveries and the role of Goal 12 research in the future we want to see.
Day 3
4pm (Brisbane), 12 noon (Delhi), 7am (GMT) 2.5 hours
Goal 12, Responsible Consumption and Production in detail.
Targets, indicators and progress.
Information and data you can use to support your Goal 12 research and reporting
Questions to researchers
The 5 researchers who opened our workshop on Monday will answer (some of) the questions they received following their ‘My goal in 3 minutes’
Guest speaker (TBC)
Wrap up and reflections with Prof. Sara Dolnicar
Sara Dolnicar leads the Low Harm Hedonism research group at The University of Queensland. She will wrap up our event reflecting on what we have learned about the scope and scale of work both in progress, and needed in the future for us to achieve Goal 12 .
‘By 2030 ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns’
Thank you’s and next steps
Big thank you’s and information sharing locations. How to contact us with questions, ideas and follow-ups.
To join us and learn more about using the SDGs Framework with your research please contact steve.fairman@theglobalacademy.ac