Ms Anita Williams

ABR Research Officer, 


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Lebanon, Luxembourg, Australia

Research Focus

My work focuses on antibiotic resistance (ABR) and how it impacts the operations of MSF, how we can prevent the increase of ABR and how to mitigate the challenges. The areas that I cover include microbiology and diagnostics, antibiotic stewardship and pharmacy practices, infection prevention and control, and other topics as required.

Research Groups

  • LuxOR


  • Feasibility of integrating the GeneXpert CT/NG assay, the OSOM Trichomonas Test and a risk assessment tool into the STI diagnostic algorithm in Harare, Zimbabwe
  • Prevalence of antibiotic resistance among patients admitted to the Médecins Sans Frontières Acute Trauma Hospital in Tabarre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti: analysis of six years of microbiological data
  • Prevalence of antibiotic resistance among patients admitted to the Médecins Sans Frontières Acute Trauma Hospital in Tabarre, Port-au-Prince, Haiti: analysis of six years of microbiological data; Patterns of antimicrobial resistance from a post-operative care program in the post-war phase: retrospective analysis from Mosul, Iraq


  • ABR Research Officer

Global goals

Target 3.3
Target 3.7
Target 3.B

Professional Organisations

  • Médecins Sans Frontières


  • Lebanon
  • Luxembourg
  • Australia

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