Short Answer: Very!
We can provide a picture of the truly global nature of the Global Academy by showing some data on the countries in which Global Academy researchers are working.
As at February 2023 there are 575 researchers in the Global Academy and we are proud to say that they are working in 79 different countries. They represent every continent and a basic breakdown is provided in the Chart below.
Global Academy researchers by continent

There has also been a substantial increase in researchers joining the Global Academy in the past year from all Continents with the highest proportional increase being in researchers working in Asia and the Middle East.
Which countries have the largest number of Global Academy researchers?
More detail can be provided for individual countries – the Chart below shows the 11 countries (3 are ninth equal!) hosting the most Global Academy researchers in February 2023. Many others, including Brazil, Iran, Spain and Italy are are only one or two researchers away from appearing on this chart!

What these data show is the real spread of the attractiveness of the Global Academy as a concept – the idea of linking academic research to the UN Sustainable Development Goals is truly internationally welcomed.
However, there are also currently 28 countries in the Global Academy which are represented by a single researcher. These researchers need colleagues!
Join us now
If you would like to join them, go to the ‘Explore Researchers’ section of the Global Academy website and choose your country from the drop-down list to see who else is there. You can post a profile in any language (we are Global…, and you will already find several profiles in Spanish), though we will also translate them into English as the main language of the platform.
We look forward to welcoming you to our growing Global community of researchers making a real difference.