Prof Alice Jones Bartoli CPsychol

Professor of Psychology and Education, 

United Kingdom

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PhDs supervised to completion

Research Focus

I work with children who are at risk of social and academic exclusion – understanding the intersections of vulnerability and risk that make it difficult for a child to manage mainstream education (for example, disability and neurodiversity, mental health, poverty and prejudice). Fair access to education is a right for all children, and my work seeks to better support children who are at risk of missing out.

I used multiple methods, including neuroscience, neuropsychology, behavioural genetics and qualitative methods to create a richer understanding of the multiple strands of support needs and areas for change required. We work across childhood and young adulthood, from early years into higher education.

My work happens with schools, local authorities and third sector organisations. Our lab is committed to carrying out work which is genuinely translational, taking the needs of practitioners into account when we plan research, and co-producing work that can be clearly communicated to those who will benefit.

Research Groups

  • Unit for School and Family Studies


  • Feasibility study of Tales Toolkit in early years' settings (funded by Education Endowment Foundation)
  • romoting Play-based Storytelling To Parents: Developing Language, Literacy And Socioemotional Skills In Early Years (funded by Mercers' Company)


  • Professor of Psychology and Education

Global goals

Target 3.4
Target 4.3
Target 4.4
Target 4.5
Target 4.6
Target 4.7
Target 4.A
Target 10.2
Target 10.3

Professional Organisations

  • British Psychological Society
  • European Early Childhood Education Research Association


  • United Kingdom

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