In my line of research, I evaluate the effects of natural and anthropogenic pollutants on exposed organisms by the integration of in vitro and in vivo systems. I am interested in the development and applicability of cell-based models as alternatives to animal testing, while maintaining environmental relevance. I have led and participated in projects aiming to:
– Identify the presence and effects of emerging contaminants (e.g. endocrine disruptors, pharmaceuticals) in surface waters,
– Evaluate alterations to important metabolic processes from exposure to environmental chemicals in humans and wildlife, using cell-based models,
– Describe mechanisms of toxicity of harmful algae,
– Investigate mechanisms of adaptation to pollution in wildlife populations with different evolutionary and exposure histories
– Characterize the biotransformation potential and overall metabolic competence of in vitro systems using fish models and, more recently,
– Explore the “chemical defensome” in the context of biotransformation potential to describe species sensitivity to pollution and potential alterations to biodiversity.
The Global Academy for Global Goals CIC ©
Marco E. Franco, Ph.D