Dr Edwin Yingi

Researcher , 

South Africa

English, Shona, Shangaan

Research Focus

I am a governance scholar who specializes on public sector governance and how this impacts the quest for peace and security in Africa. I prefer examining issues of governance using the lenses of peace, conflict and social inequality as organising frameworks for both historical and contemporary case studies. I am also interested in the protection of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Africa especially in conflict situations. Here I examine how international protocols have fared in the protection of IDPs especially in cases where people are driven from their homes as a result of the actions of their own governments. I argue for the enforcement of international protocols by governments and multi-lateral institutions for the protection of IDPs.


  • Beyond the pandemic: Implications of COVID-19 on regional economic integration
  • Development of Skills Sector Plan for political parties and TVET colleges in South Africa
  • Dynamics of resource governance in Zimbabwe: Small scale gold miners


  • Researcher
  • Lecturer

Global goals

Target 1.1
Target 1.2
Target 1.3
Target 1.5

Professional Organisations

  • Global Engagement Network on Internal Displacement in Africa


  • South Africa
  • Zimbabwe