I am a critical qualitative researcher in accounting with an interest in the role that accounting plays in women’s empowerment issues, particularly in developing country contexts. With personal interest in the growth and socio-political issues in my home country, my PhD research focused on Bangladesh where poverty continues to be an overarching factor affecting poorer echelons of society. Accordingly, my PhD explored the potentials of alternative, multidimensional dialogic accounting and accountability practices in empowering poor class women in the microfinance-NGO context. During my PhD, I was working full-time as an Assistant Lecturer and later Lecturer at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, under the supervision of Professor Judy Brown, Victoria University of Wellington and Professor Trevor Hopper, Sussex University, UK. My teaching areas include management accounting, financial accounting and the study of accounting in a social and political context at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I joined University of Wollongong (UOW) in January 2017 as a Lecturer and am enjoying exploring my academic aspirations within the Australian context.
I am involved in various governance roles within my School and am currently working as a co-network leader for AARN with Dr. Alessandro Ghio (Monash), under the mentor-ship of Associate Professor Jane Andrew (University of Sydney) and Professor Helen Tregidga (Royal Holloway, UK)
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