Ms Franziska Maier

PhD candidate, 


English, German, French
Germany, Netherlands

Research Focus

My research explores subjective conceptualizations of citizenship in Europe, closely connected with democratic participation and identity. It contributes to our understanding about civic empowerment and commonality in our contemporary plural societies. I pursue methods of political science that contribute to a more complete and authentic view of political behaviors and norms, mainly by using discursive methods. I have expertise in deliberative discussions, argument repertoire and ambivalence, quantitative analysis and Q-methodology.

I have some experience in policy and program evaluation in social and employment policy.

I am enthusiastic about citizenship, democracy, and the EU. My research experience is in mixed methods and political theory.


  • Citizenship from below - Investigating meanings of citizenship in Germany using a discursive approach


  • PhD candidate
  • Freelance Facilitator

Global goals

Target 16.1
Target 16.6
Target 16.7
Target 16.8
Target 16.9
Target 16.10

Professional Organisations

  • Scholar of the Foundation for the German Economy (Stiftung der deutschen Wirtschaft)
  • Associate at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy at the University of Canberra


  • Germany
  • Netherlands

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