Dr Nasrin Fathollahzadeh Attar

Post doctoral research fellow, 

Iran, Islamic Republic of

Persian, English, Azerbaijani, Turkish
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Research Focus

I am currently working as post doctoral researcher in water resources engineering. My Ph.D. thesis and my research experience at Adelaide University have supported me to be invited as a lecturer at Urmia University of technology while being invited to become a project manager at Urmia Lake institute. I also lead one doctoral and 6 master students’ thesis projects. My research experience at Adelaide University also encouraged me to start my career in the field of Water Engineering as a data scientist teacher. After working in this position for one year, I am now a supervisor of many students from all over the world. Currently, I seek my passions as a Data Scientist in Water Engineering. I have strong programming skills and along with science in Agricultural Engineering and hydrological data, which could help me working in this field. I am incredibly interested in modeling, computing, and data science to address problems and challenges associated with agricultural and water resources systems. I am also a coordinator of online education in R software. I have been supervising undergraduates, graduate students, and professionals of all levels from all over the world (Recently from: Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, and Iran).


  • The application of data-driven methods on hydrometeorological data


  • Post doctoral research fellow

Global goals

Target 13.2
Target 13.3


  • Iran, Islamic Republic of