Diana Vieira is an Environmental Engineer with a special focus on soil erosion risk. She dedicated most of her time monitoring burned areas and understanding the underlying key-processes in fire-affected soils and landscapes to better adapt models to burned conditions. Her focus of research has been in the soil-water interface, more specifically, associated to hydrological and erosive processes as drivers of Land Degradation and Water Contamination.
Over the past years she applied several hydrological models to recently burned areas and improved them in order to take into account post-fire mitigation and rehabilitation measures. She successfully included the effect of soil water repellency and post-fire forest management actions in her soil erosion predictions, and leaded the project that created a post-fire soil erosion risk map for Portugal. Currently, and within the EU Soil Observatory, she has been tackling additional soil related problems, such as Soil Health, Soil Pollution and Land Degradation.
Diana Vieira is also dedicated to knowledge transference and strongly believes that art and technology should go hand in hand, and is a fervent advocate for equity and diversity.
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